Friday, October 31, 2014

Bill Cosby: America's dad, or serial rapist?

I consider myself extremely well informed, yet my first time hearing about this -- at least to my recollection -- was last night.

I'll also put this down as yet another lamestream media failure. You know everything about what Kim Kardashian's butt did yesterday, but you know nothing about this.

However, I've seen this same sort of expose done on even to men I personally looked up to -- including highly respected "men of God." So while I am dismayed and disappointed by the case against Cosby, I'm not in total denial as a great many people seem to be.

I'd like to believe this is some kind of dastardly conspiracy to bring down a black brotha with a lot of money. But if it were, why wouldn't he fight it? Why would he seemingly encourage it by settling with an accuser? 

Oh no, but Cosby is a cultural icon!   
That's the problem. My religion doesn't allow idols or icons. This is a great illustration why.
When you worship persons, justice is subverted. When any one is allowed to even think he can buy immunity from crimes, justice cannot be done. And that's bullshit.
Every one is the same. If these women are telling the truth -- which must be determined in a court of applicable law, criminal or civil -- then even Cosby must go down. We will all be better off​ once we get the fact that no one is above scrutiny.
And your actions will ALWAYS tell on you sooner or later.

But I'd hate for an entertainer to be the only one to have to face the music. There are allegations of many prominent persons, much wealthier and/or much more powerful than Cosby (if not as well known and beloved) committing similar and worse crimes. The hallowed halls of power could use a thorough fumigation.

We're in the midst of finding out that most of what we believed was a lie and most of our memories and impressions of the beloved entity we know as "America" are staged productions, as artificial in some ways as Cliff Huxtable's TV living room and the lovable scripted characters that populated his world.

What about '80s pop culture and political themes wasn't fake? The CIA under the "Just Say No" president (Bush) and vice president (Reagan) was the biggest drug dealer in the world. And if thirteen women are telling the truth, it seems America's Dad may have actually been one of America's biggest predators.

And it's not as if mass-scale deception by the powers that (seem to) be has ended. On the contrary, they've cranked the deception machine up to 11.

The antidote is to put in your conceptual earplugs. 
America needs to wake up. Hey, how about this: instead of having a make-believe TV dad -- or a politician dad figure in the White House -- how about actual dads being dads?
And then, how about pulling down the "idols" and "icons" off their artificial pedestals?

Fame doesn't equate to righteousness. Millions of dollars and influence don't equate to virtue. Being a prominent (and often, correct) public moralist does not make one moral. Being a great dad on TV is 't the same as being a great dad in real life. And the "American Way" may not have nearly as much to do with truth or justice as we were led to believe. 

Friday, October 03, 2014

The solution to the illegal immigration crisis

JUST LAY DOWN, oh, maybe a few billion cubic tons of this stuff from Tijuana to the Gulf of Mexico.

No mas inmigrantes ilegales .... garantizado!